I am a Content Marketing Specialist With Over 5 Years of Experience.

With a solid foundation in content marketing and a flair for analytics, I’ve spent the last five years working with startups and established businesses alike to improve their content strategies. My expertise lies in using advanced tools like Google Analytics, Search Console, SEMrush, and Amplitude to draw actionable insights and optimise marketing efforts. I am also an expert at building frameworks, tools, and systems that help your team to improve the efficiency and quality. Here’s sample of my works:

Content Writing

My content creation process is streamlined and strategic. I begin by selecting the right keywords to boost SEO and ensure discoverability. Understanding the target audience is key, so I tailor content to their preferences and comprehension level. I structure each piece for clarity and flow, using conversational language to make complex ideas accessible. Strategic interlinking enhances site navigation, while natural product promotions boost conversions. Overall, my approach ensures content is engaging and encourages further interaction with the site, leading to potential conversions.

Have a look at my content writing samples for blog content:

Over the time, I have started including AI in my content writing process. It helps me in producing output at 2x speed, and I can show you how you can do it too. Book a call now! 

Content Strategy

Here’s an overview of a strategy in brief with the results.

Goal: The primary objective is to enhance the website’s ranking and visibility on search engines to drive more organic traffic.

Analysis: The strategy kicks off with a comprehensive analysis of the existing content’s performance and the competitive landscape. I review SEO metrics such as page views, bounce rates, and existing search rankings to establish a baseline and identify areas for improvement.

Strategy: My approach is centered on producing high-quality, relevant content that meets the needs and interests of our target audience. I plan to diversify the types of content offered, including detailed articles, informative blog posts, and practical guides, all designed to cater to various user intents. Additionally, we aim to optimise on-site elements like meta tags and internal linking to boost SEO.

Keyword Research: This phase involves identifying strategic keywords using tools such as SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner. I focus on keywords with strong search volumes and relevancy, ensuring they align with user intent and our content themes. This research guides the creation of content that resonates with our audience and captures traffic from search engines.


  • Content Calendar Development: I created a detailed content calendar to schedule the publication of our content, ensuring regular and timely updates.
  • Content Creation: Each piece of content was meticulously crafted with SEO in mind, integrating keywords naturally and focusing on creating engaging, informative, and useful material.
  • Content Optimisation: We optimised each content piece by placing keywords thoughtfully in titles, headers, and the body, and by enhancing URLs and alt tags for images.
  • Promotion: Content pieces were promoted across relevant social media platforms and through our email newsletters to maximise reach and engagement.

Results: After six months of executing this content strategy, we observed:

  • Increase in Organic Traffic: A significant surge in overall website traffic was observed, with an increase in clicks from 2,000 per day to over 14,000 per day, marking a 600% increase. This substantial rise in clicks contributed to a corresponding increase in new users visiting the site.
  • Improved Search Engine Rankings: Our targeted keywords improved significantly, moving up an average of 15 positions, with several achieving top 10 rankings. This has helped elevate our site’s visibility in search results.
  • Enhanced Engagement Metrics: The engagement on our site has also seen remarkable improvement. The average time visitors spent on our site increased by 25%, and we successfully reduced the bounce rate by 10%.
  • Additional Metrics:
    • Impressions: Increased from 130,000 to over 377,000 per day, a 190% increase.
    • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Improved from 2% to 3.7%, an 85% increase.
    • Average Position: Improved from 27 to 15, a 44.44% improvement, reflecting better visibility in search results.

These results demonstrate my effective use of SEO and content strategy to enhance website visibility and engagement, achieving substantial growth in traffic and user interaction.

Analytics and Reporting

In my approach to analytics and reporting, I emphasise clarity and accessibility. Leveraging tools like Looker Studio and Amplitude, I build comprehensive reports that are easy to understand, even for those with minimal knowledge of metrics. My passion for creating frameworks and systems shines through in the way I organise data, ensuring that each report not only presents insights but also guides decision-making. By prioritising straightforward visualisations and clear explanations, I ensure that my reports serve as valuable tools for stakeholders to grasp complex data at a glance and make informed decisions based on solid analytics.

Here’s a glance at my quick report that tracks GSC data for URLs and Category wise division for a blog.

Tools and Tech

If you have come this far, you know I’m passionate about creating frameworks, systems, and tools. To support writers in optimising their content for SEO, I developed the Keyword Density Checker.

Check it out here.

About the tool: The Keyword Density Checker is designed to analyse the keyword density in your content efficiently. It swiftly calculates the frequency of keywords within a text, helping you optimise your content for better SEO performance.

Apart from my personal systems to optimise work, below are the tools I use.

  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics
  • SEMRush
  • Amplitude
  • Branch
  • Looker Studio
  • Miro
  • Microsoft Clarity
  • Ahrefs
  • Grammarly
  • Yoast SEO
  • RankMath
  • Loom
  • WordPress
  • Coschedule
  • Canva
  • SocialBlade
And more!

Work Timeline

My journey from engineering to content writing has been quite the adventure.

began in engineering but soon discovered my passion for creating content that connects with people. Currently, I’m thriving as a Content Marketer at Tickertape, where I write top-ranking blogs, manage newsletters, and delve into SEO. Additionally, I work at BookXp, handling social media and crafting engaging content. Here’s a quick overview of my career timeline.

  • Nov 2017 – Jan 2018: Kicked off my career with a bang as a Content Writing and Digital Marketing Intern at RRG Softwares in Indore. I dived into the world of SEO and helped create user manuals for software the company developed. It was my first taste of the digital marketing world, and I loved every bit of it!
  • Jan 2017 – Mar 2017: Not long after, I found myself at Kalakaari Studios in Indore, taking on another internship. This time, I focused on Content Writing and Social Media Marketing. Juggling content for multiple clients and managing social media was challenging but super rewarding.
  • June 2018 – Sept 2018: Stepped up my game at Kalakaari Studios, this time as a Digital Strategist and Content Writer. Wearing multiple hats for a client, I managed social media, strategized digital content, and even handled some project management. It was a whirlwind of learning and growing.
  • June 2021 – March 2022: Then, I moved to Bengaluru to join WebManufact as a Content Writer. Here, I honed my skills in creating SEO-focused blog content, social media posts, proposal documents, and more. Bengaluru’s vibe was just the right mix of challenging and inspiring.
  • April 2022 – Present: Currently, I’m making waves as a Content Marketer at smallcase in Bengaluru. Writing top-ranking blogs, managing various content verticals, managing reporting and analytics, and diving deeper into SEO strategies. It’s here that I’ve really stretched my creative muscles and taken my content game to new heights.
  • 2019 – Present: Parallel to my role at smallcase, I’ve been embracing my creative side as a Content Creator for BookXp. From tweets to YouTube uploads, I manage all aspects of social media content creation. It’s my creative playground where I get to experiment and engage with an amazing community.

Contact Me

Ready to elevate your content and enhance your online presence? Let’s connect and discuss how we can achieve your goals together! You can reach out to me via email at mymailbox.anjali@gmail.com or send me a message on LinkedIn. I’m looking forward to hearing from you and exploring potential collaborations!

Connect with me on LinkedIn | Email Me

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