I’m someone with Multitude Personality.

Here’s a snapshot:

Engineer? Sure. Fell for the stars, ended up with a degree in Electronics and Communication because space is cool and limitless, just like my interests.

Writer by Accident. Got bored in college, stumbled into content writing, and bam! Fell head over heels for it. SEO and content marketing are my jam.

Social Media Butterfly. I mixed reading with writing on Instagram; you guys loved it. Next thing I knew, I was on YouTube, sharing more of what I love.

Finance Guru & Energy Healer. From dissecting stocks to healing chakras, I’ve got you covered. I write about finance by day and align energies by night.

I love dabbling in everything and mastering some.

Jack of all trades, master of a few? That’s me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way..

Outside the work, you’ll find me buried in books or sharing my latest reads on Instagram and YouTube. I’m an epistemophile at heart—totally obsessed with learning anything and everything. This curiosity has led me to explore energy healing and spirituality. I am a Certified Reiki Level 2 Healer and Yoga Prana Vidya Level 1 Healer. My practices keep me grounded, aware, and conscious. I am always on the lookout to have these conversations with someone who is interested in these. If you are, I am only a DM away!

And when I am not reading or doing my rituals, I might be strategising my next move in chess, planning my next tour, hanging with my favourite humans, spending time with my plants or jamming to my favourite tunes. 

Let’s Connect?

Wanna chat about a potential project, or just geek out over books and content creation? Hit me up! You can reach me via email or follow my adventures in content and beyond on InstagramYouTube, and LinkedIn.

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