‘The Selfish Betrayals’ by Abhishek Kapoor

‘The Selfish Betrayals’ is a book with a great message. The story is about a private investigator, Monty who is brilliant at his job and is also a lady’s man. When he got to know about the murder of a famous model, Scarlett White, he immediately starts to solve the case with his apprentice, Chetan Prasad. During the investigation, he comes across harsh truths which turns his life upside down.

The title is relevant and the cover is simple and classy. Vocabulary is good, I end up learning lots of new words. Writing style is descriptive which somewhere takes away the essence of the plot. However, due to that each character got plenty of space for proper development and, they all felt realistic.

The setting is normal; the city of Kanpur is explained well. The theme of the book is a rare choice and indeed a great one. I appreciate the efforts of the author for throwing light on and spreading a much-needed message.

Overall, its a good book and great for mid-level reading experience. Though I won’t recommend it to beginners as the vocab is strong.

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