Dreams don’t Die – Do They?

  • Genre: Realistic Fiction, Romance, Military Fiction.
  • Publications: Evincepub Publishing
  • Pages: 144

‘Dreams Don’t Die..Do They?’ is an enduring story of Rajan and Naina. The two individuals meet in college and fall in love, almost. But love isn’t easy; many tragedies hit their life and tear them apart. However, destiny has some other plans. Amidst the kargil war, 26/11 attack, Andaman Tsunami and many more terrifying incidents, their love and fate seems to be broken, but is it?

The story is interesting, gripping and full of twists and turns. It is written in a simple and beautiful way; at parts the author gives you a soft touch of love and at other parts, it displays the harsh realities. Characters are portrayed nicely and are simple and feels realistic. Language is good and easily understandable. Narration has been done properly and is in third person’s point of view.

The title seems perfect and mysterious. Cover is relevant. The book is divided into many chapters and the title for each is well-suited. The pace isn’t even. However, while reading the story, the uneven pace seems right as well.

The scenes of attacks and war are described wonderfully; it feels like author has a close eye on the events. Looking at the genre, I felt the book is going to be a cliche romance but it isn’t! It is more than just a love story: many life-death situations, many tragedies, friendship, natural calamities and many more.

The author has put out a fantastic combination of love, thriller and tragedy. I recommend this book to all who like this concoction, likes realistic fiction and who believes destiny plays a big role in our game.

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