Signboard at Dholavira (Book 1) by Nishith S. Parikh

Product Details 

  • Pages: 200
  • Publishers: Story Mirror
  • ISBN – 13:  978-9387269989

My Rating : 5/5

Cover: 5/5


‘Signboard at Dholavira’ is an action-packed thriller with a gripping plot. Two professors, from the Archaeological Survey of India, found something at Indus Valley that leads them to various unknown adventures. But these events have its way traced back to Mahabharata. Little did they know, on their journey in finding the quest, they fall prey to a Pakistani Terrorists, who is more than snoopy to know the secret they are trying to unfold.

The story is full of twists and turns as much you can find in a mythological thriller. The title is well-suited and cover is beautiful and mysterious. I really want to challenge you to guess the story on the basis of the symbols given on the cover.

The writing style is smooth and intriguing. Character development had been done properly and feel realistic. Pace of the book is okay; sometimes it gets slow. Setting is simple, ancient and tells you in detail about many historic places. Narration is proper and from third person’s point of view. It is clear that the author has done a good amount of research in creating this book.

The story can make you question if the tales of Indian mythology is true and fulfills your hunger for action-packed thriller and mythology. The book is 5 to 6 hour read with around 200 pages and it’s unputdownable. Thanks to the author for the book, I enjoyed reading it and I recommend it to all who wants to read this unique combination.

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