What The Eyes See by Nitya Ravi | A Book Review

‘What the Eyes See’ is a book with seven different stories that gives you chill and when you finish it, you will believe that you can’t believe your eyes.

The title and cover of the book depicts two different stories but at the end, it suits well. Though if I talk about the physical copy, the faded look of ink didn’t suit well.

The theme of the book revolves around dark/thriller stories. Every story fulfills that. Writing style of the author is simple and language is easy to understand.

Plot of the stories ranging from futuristic robots, aliens to black magic and they all are amazing. Narration of every story is proper and pace is normal.

Each character of every story is portrayed in such a way that they are believable whether it’s a futuristic robot, simple personalities or an alien.

Concept of the stories intrigued me; the stories are not the one we think or can easily imagine. I appreciate the efforts of the author and I am impressed with the creativity and wanna thank you for this book.

This is one of those book which anyone can read and especially for a newbie, it’s a great start to enter in a fictional world.

Know about the stories in brief:

  • First story talks about how today’s World is depending on artificial intelligence. 60-year-old man is suspicious that some Artificial Intelligence has procured for his home.
  • Second story is about a guy who realises that giving lift to strangers might lead to horrifying consequences.
  • Third story is about a beautiful girl, Aishwarya whose is living her dream life and was about to marry her bf. But a beautiful gift changed her life completely.
  • Fourth story is about a man in 1978, who went to visit his hometown in Kerala and experienced his life’s most terrifying night.
  • Fifth story is about writer Amna who dreams about that story which was very scary and full of hallucinations.
  • Sixth story is about Jai who got married to a girl just for the sake of her father’s money. Karma made him pay for that all bad things he did.
  • Seventh story is about a Nikhil Abraham, whose life became dark after his parents divorced. The dream which he saw was most terrifying and horrible.

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